I am no quilter! But my Mum showed me how to do a nine patch when I was in a patchworky phase a few years back. I ended up making about 50 of them and had a grand plan for a bed quilt. Well, as I said, I started these a few years ago, and it's clear they have not morphed into the bed quilt I had envisaged!
I am getting sick of looking at them in my ever increasing tub of UFO's, so have decided to ditch the 'grand plan' and just join the darn things together. Then I'll at least have myself a (simple) quilt top. I'm wanting to join them 'on point' with a plainish cream square between. I think they'll be arranged 6 NP across and 8 NP down. Or maybe 7 x 7... Time to dig out some of the 'How to' books from that phase so I can finish this baby off and put it to bed... or on the bed... or on the couch...

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