Have been offline for a week due to a visit to see Mum and Dad. It had been a while so it was lovely to catch up. I meant to go to Spotlight but with one thing and another I just didn't make it. Not to worry though. Instead I shopped at 'La Cupboard de Mum's' and oh, what goodies did I find!!
A bit of leftover flannelette, just enough for extra PJ pants for my boy with a couple of bits left over to applique onto the tops when I make them.
A few patterns and a sewing book which I am borrowing.
A few transfers she was happy to be rid of, and a dressmaking book from the 60's. Score!
But then we came across a box that had been shoved to the back of the cupboard over 15 years ago. A collection of bits and pieces from my Grandma's small stash. She wasn't known for her sewing but there were some treasures nonetheless. Having lived through two wars and the depression she was a frugal lady so there was some mending patches, hemming tapes and replacement elastic and zippers. There was a heaps of darning wool and crochet thread. Bias binding, a bone needle holder and an embroidered needle book. Several packets of unopened needles that are very old, a couple of patterns from the 40's.
My personal favourite is a UFO, a half done embroidery on linen that she bought in Argentina. It is a bit marked but I am hoping to complete it then see if I can wash out the marks. Lucky for me she had saved all the thread to finish the project too. Yay!